Monday, 7 April 2014

My little cat Belle was hit by a car but thankfully she will be okay

On Friday afternoon my precious little cat was hit by a car. The vet confirmed this after looking at her injuries but thankfully none life threatening! He said she was one lucky cat as the car could easily have killed her.
I arrived home from University on Friday afternoon and like I always do I went out to my back garden and called Belle to come home. A lot of the times she doesn't come home straight a way, so when I called her this time I didn't think it unusual though something didn't feel right.
A little while later I looked out the kitchen window to see if she was there and she was. Normally when she sees me she runs straight to the window meowing to get in, but this time she just sat there looking up at me meowing constantly. I knew straight a way something was wrong so I ran to her.
As soon as I got over to her she tried to get up but just whined constantly with pain as she limped to get into the house. She wouldn't let me lift her because she was in too much pain. At this point I noticed a cut on her lip and instantly thought that my wee woman had been hit by a car. I rang my mum and she rushed home from work. Belle struggled to get up but meowed loudly and fell back down. It was heartbreaking seeing her in so much pain and she was terrified too. I don't know how she  managed to make her way home but she found strength to do so. We wasted no time and took her straight to the vet where she was x-rayed and stayed the night. We were originally told that Belles pelvis could be broken and if it were, she would have to be put into cage rest for 6 weeks! She would have absolutely hated that. But on Friday night we got a phone call from the vet with good news, she had no broken bones but was just bruised. She was given pain killers and we got to bring her home on Saturday morning.
Now that she's home she has to be kept inside for a week before she has to go back to the vet for a check up. She still has a bit of a limp and her back legs are still weak but she is recovering quickly. I'm so thankful she is home safe and the situation wasn't any worse. She is a much loved family pet and we would be devastated to loose her. She is already up meowing to get outside because she doesn't like using the litter tray when me and my family are in the house but I'm afraid Belle you will just have to get use to it for a little while longer!

Thanks for reading

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